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The Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period (about the basic details of the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period)

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The Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period (about the basic details of the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period)


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  • 2024-06-23 03:01:36

    1. The four princes of the Warring States Period refer to Wei Wuji, Zhao Sheng, Huang Xie and Tian Wen.

    2. At the end of the Warring States Period in China, the State of Qin became more and more powerful. In order to deal with the invasion of the State of Qin and save their own demise, the nobles of the various kingdoms tried their best to recruit talents.

    3. They courted the wise corporal and recruited guests to expand their influence, so it was popular to raise "scholars" (including bachelors, alchemists, strategists or warlocks, and diners).

    4. At that time, famous for raising "scholars" were Wei Wuji, the Emperor of Xinling in the State of Wei, Zhao Sheng, the Emperor of Pingyuan in the State of Zhao, Huang Xie, the Emperor of Chunshen in the State of Chu, and Tian Wen, the Emperor of Mengchang in the State of Qi.

    5. Since all four of them were virtuous corporals and guests (note: except for Chunshen, the other three were descendants of the king), later generations called them "the four princes of the Warring States Period" (also called the four princes of the Warring States Period).


    2024-06-23 03:01:36

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