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Xxx xxx (basic details about xxx xxx)


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  • 2024-06-30 22:00:00

    1. Absolute address of memory refers to an address scheme in communication, computer and data processing systems.

    2. This address directly identifies a storage unit without using related media, such as a base station address or related address.

    3. The relative address is often used in the process of program writing and compilation. Since the program can be executed only when it is placed in main memory, the instructions and data must be associated with an absolute address of main memory - placed in the main memory unit.

    4. Feature: absolute address reference is used in the formula, and the reference address (value) remains unchanged during formula copying.

    5. Especially for some websites with independent IP addresses, the use of absolute addresses can prevent websites from being mirrored by other domain names.


    2024-06-30 22:00:00

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