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Computer software development (basic details of computer software development)

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Computer software development (basic details of computer software development)


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  • 2024-06-05 17:01:35

    1. Software development is the process of building software systems or software parts of systems according to user requirements.

    2. Software development is a system engineering including requirements capture, requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing.

    3. Software is generally implemented in some programming language.

    4. Generally, software development tools can be used for development.

    5. Software is divided into system software and application software, not only including programs that can run on computers, but also files related to these programs are generally considered as part of software.

    6. The general process of software design ideas and methods, including the design of software functions and algorithms and methods to achieve, the overall structure design and module design of software, programming and debugging, program joint debugging and testing, as well as writing and submitting programs.

    The basic details of computer software development in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-05 17:01:35

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