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Gangrinpochi's film (basic details of Gangrinpochi's film)

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Gangrinpochi's film (basic details of Gangrinpochi's film)


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  • 2024-06-30 14:01:35

    1. Gangren Boqi is a feature film directed by Zhang Yang and starring Nima Zhadui, Yang Pei, Si Lang Zhuoga, etc., which was released in China on June 20, 2017.

    2. The film tells the story of 10 ordinary Tibetans and a pregnant woman in Pra Village, an ancient village in the hinterland of Tibet, who set out from home to make a pilgrimage to Gangren Boqi 2500 kilometers away.

    3. In October 2017, the film won the Best Film Award at the Second Italian Chinese Film Festival.


    2024-06-30 14:01:35

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