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The whole team is supporting the fight against fake matches. LDL auxiliary players: I think they are real

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The whole team is supporting the fight against fake matches. LDL auxiliary players: I think they are real


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  • 2024-06-15 14:01:35

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read the article that the whole team is helping to fight against fake matches without telling the truth. You think that today the whole team is hiding from the auxiliary anti fake match. LDL auxiliary players: How do I think they are real food topics? As for the whole team supporting the fight against fake matches, LDL auxiliary players: I think they are real. Any comment on this article can tell me. Each of your suggestions is an affirmation and encouragement to the small editor. The editor will continue to bring you more good content tomorrow. I hope you don't miss it. Thanks for your support!

    With the release of LPL's punishment for fake players, the LPL fake event came to an end, and the rectification action of the LDL league finally ended, which can be said to completely purify the competitive environment of the entire league of heroes.

    There are light and dark sides in the world. Since some people break the rules to make money, there is certainly a dream that they will not compromise even if they can't see the hope.

    For example, the anchorman smiled and said publicly in microblog recently that he would resolutely resist the players with bad deeds. As the older generation of e-sports people, they have their own rules and bottom line, and the fake match is the forbidden area in their hearts. They will never let these dross pollute the e-sports circle.

    In addition, the small assistant of WZ team also moved everyone. At the end of the S10 season, he officially became a player in the LDL league. However, in the S11 season, his team began to kneel crazily, and his teammates always had various problems in the game. For this reason, the little assistant never thought of them as bad people, thinking that everyone wanted to win, but just a comparison.

    However, as the results of the investigation came out, the assistant found that she was played by the whole team. The coach took four other team-mates to play a crazy fake match. Two of them were banned. The other two gave up professional competition directly and ran back to their hometown. The story of Xiaozuo moved many netizens. They all left messages in the comment area in support, and Xiaozuo also said that he would work hard to win LDL.

    Many e-sports bloggers have begun to forward the story of this LDL assistant. Young people who can keep their inner clarity in the mud and still have expectations for their dreams, who don't like it?

    Interestingly, the blogger also sent out the chat record of this little assistant, because he was inspired by the netizens, he was moved and decided to work hard. The simplicity of youth really makes people cry. Hammer also hopes that this little assistant can fulfill his dream and prove himself by entering LPL.

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