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Jessica Bell (basic details about Jessica Bell)

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Jessica Bell (basic details about Jessica Bell)


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  • 2024-06-20 09:00:00

    1. Jessica Biel, female, born on March 3, 1982 in Ely, Minnesota, USA, is an American actress and model.

    2. In 1996, he participated in the film Beekeeper, and later became famous in the American drama Seventh Heaven.

    3. In 2003, she was shortlisted for the Most Breakthrough Actress Award at the 13th MTV Film Awards with the thriller film Texas Chainsaw Killer.

    4. In 2007, she was shortlisted for the Best Horror and Suspense Film Actress Award of the 9th Youth Choice Award with the science fiction film Foresight of the Future.

    5. In 2008, she starred in the comedy film "Water and Poplar".

    6. In 2010, he starred in the biopic Vivaldi.

    7. In 2012, she was shortlisted for the Best Action Film Actress Award of the 15th Youth Choice Award with the action film Full Memory.

    8. In 2015, she starred in the love movie Unexpected Love.

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