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What to do if the nail polish in the nail polish bottle dries (what to do if the nail polish dries)

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What to do if the nail polish in the nail polish bottle dries (what to do if the nail polish dries)


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  • 2024-06-12 15:01:37

    When the nail polish dries, you can buy nail polish thinner. A few drops of nail polish can quickly dilute the nail polish. You can also soak the dried nail polish in boiling water for 20 minutes to dissolve it; You can also add a few drops of water in the nail polish to dilute it; Adding transparent nail polish to dry nail polish can also play the role of dilution.

    1、 What to do if the nail polish dries

    1. Nail polish thinner

    The nail polish at home doesn't take long to dry. You can buy a bottle of nail polish thinner and drop a few drops of nail polish thinner into the nail polish to quickly restore the nail polish to its original state. This method is the most simple and labor-saving.

    2. Soak in hot water

    Nail polish at home will become sticky and dry if not used for a long time. At this time, we can prepare a bowl of boiling water and soak the nail polish in hot water for 20 minutes. Hot water thins nail polish.

    3. Add clean water.

    Nail polish is not used for a long time, and the moisture inside is easy to volatilize when it contacts with the air, leading to its drying. At this time, we can add a few drops of water into the nail polish and stir it with the nail polish brush to make it integrate with the nail polish.

    4. Add transparent nail polish.

    If the nail polish is dry at home, you can also pour the transparent nail polish in, so that the transparent nail polish can dilute the nail polish. Be careful not to add too much.

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