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What are the three vegetarian dumplings

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What are the three vegetarian dumplings


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  • 2024-06-12 15:01:37

    Three Delicacies Dumpling is a kind of dumpling filled with winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms and fungus. Dumpling is a must eat food in northern China during the Spring Festival. The method of making dumpling stuffing with three fresh ingredients is to add water to cut up the winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms and agaric, add fried eggs, add salt, sesame oil and chicken essence, and stir.

    1、 What are the three kinds of vegetarian dumplings

    Ingredients of three fresh dumplings: dumpling skin, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, fungus, eggs, salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, etc.

    1. Cut the winter bamboo shoots into pieces, boil them in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then take them out and cut them into pieces.

    2. Rinse mushrooms and agaric, put them into boiling water, rinse them, remove them and cut them into pieces for use.

    3. Put eggs into a bowl, add a little salt, and mix well. Pour it into the pan and stir fry for a few minutes.

    4. Mix the prepared ingredients together, add a little salt, chicken essence and sesame oil, and mix well.

    5. Take out the dumplings, wrap them, and put them in the pot to cook. Dumplings can be made in about 10 minutes.


    2024-06-12 15:01:37

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