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Jinli (basic details about Jinli)

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Jinli (basic details about Jinli)


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  • 2024-06-30 15:01:35

    1. Jinli Town is located in the east of Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province (Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area). It is an important gateway for Zhaoqing City to connect with the core area of the Pearl River Delta, the core area of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan.

    2. Jinli Town faces Sanshui District and Nanhai District of Foshan City across the river in the east, Gaoming District of Foshan City in the south, Duanzhou District of Zhaoqing City in the west, Dinghu District in the north, 45km away from Guangzhou City and 35km away from Zhaoqing City.

    3. Jinli has a total area of 152.38 square kilometers (2017), 19 village committees, 109 natural villages, 13 community neighborhood committees, and a population of 108042 (2020).

    4. Jinli Town is a national key town, a famous building hardware boutique production (procurement) town in China, a central town in Guangdong Province, a demonstration zone for upgrading the hardware industry cluster in Guangdong Province, a pilot town for deepening and expanding the administrative system management reform of economically developed towns in Guangdong Province, a strong economic town in Zhaoqing City, and a pilot town for professional technological innovation.

    5. Guangkun Expressway (G80) and G324 National Highway (formerly S362 Provincial Highway) run through the whole area, and Xijiang Golden Waterway flows through the town. It is one of the two sub centers (Jinli Town and Lubu Town) in Gaoyao District of Zhaoqing City.


    2024-06-30 15:01:35

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