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Spider web (basic details about spider web)

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Spider web (basic details about spider web)


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  • 2024-06-30 21:00:00

    1. Spider Web, Cobweb: A web woven by some kinds of spiders, which is used to catch insects, small vertebrates, etc. for food, or for nesting.

    2. Spiders can sense the vibration generated when prey collides or is trapped in the spider web; After completing their web, spiders will wait for their prey to fall into the trap on or near the web.

    3. Some of the silk in the spider web is sticky and some is not. For example, the radial spider web has no sticky vertical lines and horizontal lines.

    4. As spiders themselves are also affected by their own mucus, they will avoid stepping on silk threads with mucus when moving on the web.

    5. Some spider silk is stronger and more elastic than steel wire of the same weight.

    6. It is one of the research topics of materials science and has potential application value in industry. The research team is studying the molecular structure of spider silk in order to obtain materials for production from bulletproof vests to artificial tendons.

    7. In order to make artificial spider silk, some researchers use genetically modified mammals to produce the required protein.


    2024-06-30 21:00:00

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