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Licorice (basic details about licorice)

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Licorice (basic details about licorice)


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  • 2024-06-26 02:01:34

    1. Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch (scientific name: Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch) alias: Guolao, sweet grass, Ural liquorice, sweet root.

    2. Leguminosae and liquorice are perennial herbs with thick roots and rhizomes, which are a kind of Chinese herbal medicine for tonifying the human body. The medicinal parts are roots and rhizomes. The medicinal properties of the roots are cylindrical, 25~100 cm long and 0.6~3.5 cm in diameter.

    3. The skin is not uniform, and the surface is reddish brown or grayish brown.

    4. The rhizome is cylindrical, with bud marks on the surface and pith in the middle of the section.

    5. Slight gas, sweet and special taste.

    6. Its main functions are heat clearing and detoxification, expectorant and cough relieving, abdominal cavity, etc.

    7. It likes overcast, dark damp, dry climate with long sunshine and low temperature.

    8. Licorice mostly grows in arid and semi-arid desert grasslands, desert edges and loess hilly areas.

    9. The roots and rhizomes are used medicinally.

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