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Offshore funds (basic details of offshore funds)

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Offshore funds (basic details of offshore funds)


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  • 2024-06-18 01:00:53

    1. Offshore funds are also called "foreign offshore funds".

    2. Investment funds whose capital mainly comes from one country or region and whose registered place is in other countries or regions.

    3. The trustees or custodians of such funds are usually large multinational consortia, banks or powerful investment institutions.

    4. Its equipment is advanced and communication means are wide and flexible.

    5. The advantage of this kind of fund is that investors' funds will not be frozen when there are political or economic policy changes in the country where the investors are located.

    6. Its capital is mainly invested in securities registered in the name of foreign investors.

    7. The main difference between offshore funds and overseas funds is that the place of registration of offshore funds and the place of capital investment are not the same country or region, while the place of registration of overseas funds and the place of capital investment are the same country or region.


    2024-06-18 01:00:53

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