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Local service network (basic details about local service network)

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Local service network (basic details about local service network)


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  • 2024-06-18 07:01:39

    1. The city service network is the first Yugong in the post search engine era and the most complete regional comprehensive portal in China.

    2. The local service network has the most detailed enterprise search engine and information resources. It takes serving the majority of local netizens and local enterprises as its own responsibility, and strives to provide the most detailed and timely all-round, all-weather, and time-space service information for the majority of netizens, government agencies, enterprises and public users, bringing great convenience to netizens - only mouse, no keyboard, Go directly to the website you are looking for.

    3. The intra city service network provides an exhibition space that can be extended indefinitely.

    4. Internet users are not subject to any restrictions on time and region whether they are shopping or inquiring.

    5. The most detailed and timely service information in any region can be obtained at any time.

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