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Sword and Expedition The place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried to pass the pass

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Sword and Expedition The place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried to pass the pass


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  • 2024-06-15 19:01:40

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this article: Sword and Expedition, the place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried, Pass the Pass, and Explore the lineup route of the place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried. What do you think of the topic of the line up route of the place where the sword and the expedition to Qianmian Earl test today? You can tell me any comment on the article "Sword and Expedition, the place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried to pass the pass, the route of the line up of the place where the Earl of Thousand Faces tried to test". Each of your suggestions is an affirmation and encouragement to the small editor. The editor will continue to bring you more good content tomorrow. I hope you don't miss it. Thanks for your support!

    How to pass the place where the Sword and Expedition Count Qianmian tried? The new character of Sword and Expedition, the Earl of Thousand Faces, was officially launched, and this character has its own place to test. It's also difficult to play in the new trial place. If you haven't passed the customs, here are specific routes and lineups. Hope you like it.

    "Sword and Expedition" A pass strategy for the test place of Count Qianmian

    1、 Customs clearance route

    2、 The place of trial

    Hero: You can only select the heroes provided by the battle system. The trial heroes will go into battle by default.

    Hero level: All heroes are unified into a myth level, with a level of 240.

    Equipment: All heroes wear legendary T1 equipment by default, without enhancement level and racial bonus effect.

    Exclusive equipment: no additional attributes and skill effects of exclusive equipment.

    Tree of Life: The tree of inanimate and Aiya's virtue additional attributes and skill effects.

    Exotic hotel furniture: no furniture additional attributes and skill effects.

    Artifact: no artifact attribute and effect bonus.

    Binding: no binding attribute bonus.

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