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Happy Star Cat (basic details about Happy Star Cat)

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Happy Star Cat (basic details about Happy Star Cat)


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  • 2024-06-30 23:00:00

    1. Happy Star Cat is a series of original TV animations directed by Mike Renjie. It is a large fantasy 3D science fiction adventure cartoon with 208 episodes in total.

    2. The theme covers fairy tales, history and culture, tourism, traditional Chinese culture, food, adventure, detective, etc.

    3. The story revolves around the fight between Star Cat and 12 constellations soldiers and the evil Dark Lord. From the beginning, Star Cat fought alone to find 12 constellations soldiers everywhere.

    4. The animation season 1-2 was produced by Hangzhou Xuanji Technology Information Technology Co., Ltd., and the animation season 3-8 was produced by Nanjing Hegu Technology Information Technology Co., Ltd.


    2024-06-30 23:00:00

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