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How to make the sauce of beef salad (sauce sauce of beef salad)

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How to make the sauce of beef salad (sauce sauce of beef salad)


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  • 2024-06-12 16:00:00

    First, add 4 spoonfuls of soy sauce, 3 spoonfuls of white vinegar, 2 spoonfuls of white sugar, and 1 spoonfuls of red oil in a bowl, mix well, heat the pan with oil, add chopped garlic, millet pepper, stir fry until fragrant, add 1 spoonfuls of soy sauce, pour into a bowl, and mix well. Then, you can wait until the beef is ready before turning it over to make the salad. Beef tendons must be selected for cold beef. Beef is cooked with cooking wine, star anise, ginger and fragrant leaves.

    1、 Method of dressing sauce for cold beef

    Ingredients of cold beef: 1 tendon, 3 fragrant leaves, 1 cinnamon, 3 anise, half grass fruit, and some ginger.

    Ingredients of cold beef sauce: 4 spoons of soy sauce, 3 spoons of white vinegar, 2 spoons of white sugar, 1 spoonful of red oil, some garlic powder, 3 pieces of vanilla, and some white sesame seeds.

    1. Prepare the ingredients, wash the beef tendons, put them into the pressure cooker, add some cooking wine, add fragrant leaves, anise, grass fruits, ginger slices, cinnamon, etc. Generally, press for 10 minutes. If you need to use an ordinary pot to cook for 30 minutes, you should first use the high heat and then the low heat.

    2. Soak the cooked beef in the pot until it cools down naturally, and let the soup taste. Freeze the soaked beef for 2 hours, take out and slice it. The thinner the better.

    Making cold beef sauce

    Prepare a bowl, pour in soy sauce, white vinegar, white sugar and red oil, add a little oil in the pan, add garlic powder and millet pepper, stir fry, add 1 small soy sauce, stir fry evenly, and then pour into the bowl, and the sauce is ready. Put the beef on the plate and pour the sauce on it.

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