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Continuum (introduction to basic details of Continuum)

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Continuum (introduction to basic details of Continuum)


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  • 2024-06-20 23:01:37

    1. Euphorbia binaphyllis L, also known as Euphorbia, is a biennial herb belonging to Euphorbiaceae and Euphorbia.

    2. The whole plant is glabrous, with columnar roots and erect stems.

    3. Leaves alternate and opposite, linear lanceolate, entire.

    4. Inflorescence solitary, nearly campanulate.

    5. There are many male flowers and one female flower.

    6. Capsule triangular spherical, smooth and glabrous.

    7. Seeds columnar to ovoid, brown or grayish brown.

    8. Flowering from April to July, fruiting from June to September.

    9. It is produced in most provinces and regions of China, and is widely distributed or cultivated in Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, East Asia and North and South America.

    10. The whole grass is poisonous.

    11. It has medicinal value.

    12. The oil content of the seeds of Cynanchum japonicum is generally about 45%, and the high oil content can reach more than 48%.

    13. Its fatty acid composition is similar to the molecular composition of diesel oil substitutes. Its main component is sesquiterpenoid, rich in giant halberd diterpenol 3-hexadecane ester, and plant milk is rich in a large amount of alkene hydrocarbons. It is one of the ideal raw materials for biodiesel production.

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