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Practice of garlic flavored ribs (basic details on the practice of garlic flavored ribs)

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Practice of garlic flavored ribs (basic details on the practice of garlic flavored ribs)


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  • 2024-06-30 21:00:00

    1. Garlic flavored ribs is a delicious local dish, belonging to Shanghai cuisine.

    2. Its taste is rich in garlic, tender and delicious.

    3. It has the effect of regulating anemia, irregular menstruation, strengthening spleen and appetizing stomach.

    4. Wash and cut pork ribs into 8cm long pieces, marinate with meat powder (tender meat powder) for 1h, then rinse and drain.

    5. Recipe: Pork chops (pork ribs): pork should not be eaten with black plum, licorice, crucian carp, shrimp, pigeon meat, snails, almonds, donkey meat, sheep liver, coriander, turtle, water chestnut, buckwheat, quail meat, beef.

    6. It is not suitable to drink a lot of tea after eating pork.

    7. Garlic: Garlic should not be eaten with honey.


    2024-06-30 21:00:00

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