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How can insomnia and dreaminess be caused

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How can insomnia and dreaminess be caused


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  • 2024-06-13 09:01:37

    Sometimes it's not terrible to have problems. The terrible thing is that you can't find the right way to deal with it. Similarly, insomnia and dreaminess are the same. Here's how to do it.

    1. Build confidence

    Whether it's for living or facing insomnia and dreams, you should keep a Buddhist heart, don't worry too much, and believe that your body will naturally adjust and adapt. Because people's body and mind are inherently elastic, many things can be adjusted and solved. As long as you have this heart, one or two nights of insomnia will not cause any difficulties, and then it will be better gradually. If you are more worried after insomnia and dreams, it will be more difficult to fall asleep at night.

    2. Live a regular life

    Regularization of daily life can be said to be the most effective way to avoid insomnia and dreaminess, so it is best to develop the habit of going to bed and getting up regularly on weekdays and weekends, and establish your own biological clock.

    3. Moderate exercise

    The human body should not be inactive all day, which is not conducive to blood circulation, so we should exercise for half an hour to one hour every day. However, it should also be noted that you should not exercise strenuously within 2-3 hours before going to bed. Some people ask questions. Then, strenuous exercise before sleep will make the body tired. Not easy to fall asleep. This is wrong, and will make you excited. Don't want to sleep well.

    4. Confidentiality

    In fact, insomnia has many dreams, which means poor sleep quality. If you want to avoid such a situation, how can you get a comfortable and quiet sleeping environment? Therefore, the bedroom should try to isolate noise and form the habit of turning off the lights to sleep.

    5. Eat moderately before going to bed.

    If you are afraid of hunger before going to bed, you can eat a moderate amount of food, such as milk, bread, biscuits and other foods, which will help you sleep. However, be careful not to eat too much, which will only aggravate your insomnia and dreams.

    6. Drinking alcohol is invalid.

    Many people are fooled into thinking that if they can't sleep, they will drink some wine. If they are drunk, they will fall asleep more easily. Although this is reasonable, alcohol induced sleep is not lasting. Without alcohol, it is easy to wake up, and it is difficult to fall asleep after waking up, which may even lead to more serious suffocating insomnia.

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