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Haikou Qiongshan Middle School (about the basic details of Haikou Qiongshan Middle School)

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Haikou Qiongshan Middle School (about the basic details of Haikou Qiongshan Middle School)


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  • 2024-06-18 10:01:38

    1. Haikou Qiongshan Middle School, named Qiongshan Middle School in foreign language, is an educational institution.

    2. The school was founded on April 15, 1913. Its original name was Qiongshan County High School, and it was developed from the first higher primary school in Qiongshan County in the early years of the Republic of China.

    3. Located at No. 10 Wenzhuang Road, Qiongshan District, Haikou City, the school has a modern and high standard teaching building, library, science museum, art museum, sports hall, stadium, student canteen building and dormitory. The layout of teaching area, sports area and living area is reasonable.

    4. The school has modern education and teaching facilities, advanced equipment, and has built a good platform for teachers and students to learn, exchange, and activities.

    5. It is a first-class school in Hainan Province and a key middle school in Haikou.

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