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Brainstorming (introduction to basic details of Brainstorming)

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Brainstorming (introduction to basic details of Brainstorming)


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  • 2024-06-25 15:00:00

    1. Yizhi (Latin scientific name: AlpiniaoxyphyllaMiq.), alias: Yizhiren, Yizhizi.

    2. Zingiberaceae, Alpinia perennial herb.

    3. The plant height can reach 3m; Stems clustered; The rhizome is short, the leaf blade is lanceolate, the raceme is completely enclosed in a cap shaped involucre when it is in bud, and falls off completely when it is in flower, and the inflorescence axis is covered with very short pubescence; Calyx tubular, corolla white, sparsely pubescent; Lip obovate, pink white with red veins, capsule spherical when fresh, spindle when dry, irregular oblate seeds, covered with yellowish aril.

    4. The fruit is oval, slightly pointed at both ends, brown or grayish brown on the surface, with longitudinal uneven projections.

    5. The pericarp is thin and tough, close to the seed mass.

    6. The seed mass is divided into 3 segments by septum, each segment has 6-11 seeds.

    7. The seeds are irregular oblate, slightly obtuse, about 3mm in diameter, grayish brown or grayish yellow on the surface, and covered with light brown membranous aril.

    8. The flowering and fruiting period is from March to September.

    9. It grows under damp forests.

    10. It is distributed in Hainan and southern Guangdong.

    11. In summer and autumn, the fruit is harvested when it turns from green to red, and dried in the sun or at low temperature.

    12. It has special aroma, pungent and slightly bitter.

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