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Theoretical Mechanics (introduction to basic details of theoretical mechanics)

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Theoretical Mechanics (introduction to basic details of theoretical mechanics)


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  • 2024-06-10 10:00:00

    1. Theoretical mechanics is a discipline that studies the basic laws of mechanical motion of objects.

    2. A branch of mechanics.

    3. It is the basis of all branches of general mechanics.

    4. Theoretical mechanics is usually divided into three parts: statics, kinematics and dynamics.

    5. Statics studies the simplified theory of force systems acting on objects and the balance conditions of force systems; Kinematics only studies the mechanical motion characteristics of objects from a geometric point of view and does not involve the force on objects; Dynamics studies the relationship between mechanical motion and force.

    6. Dynamics is the core of theoretical mechanics.

    7. The research method of theoretical mechanics is to start from some basic axioms or laws that reflect the objective laws concluded from experience or experiments, and to obtain the laws of mechanical movement of objects in general conditions and the characteristics of specific problems through mathematical deduction.

    8. In theoretical mechanics, objects mainly refer to particles, rigid bodies and rigid systems. When the deformation of objects cannot be ignored, they become the subject of discussion in deformable body mechanics (such as material mechanics, elasticity, etc.).

    9. Statics and dynamics are the main parts of engineering mechanics.

    10. Theoretical mechanics establishes scientific and abstract mechanical models (such as particle, rigid body, etc.).

    11. Both statics and dynamics are related to the physical cause of motion - force, which is collectively called kinetics.

    12. Some literatures regard kinesics and dynamics as synonyms and mix them. Both of them can be translated into dynamics, or one of them can be translated into sports mechanics.

    13. In addition, combining kinematics and dynamics, theoretical mechanics is divided into statics and dynamics.

    14. Theoretical mechanics is based on some basic concepts and axioms and laws reflecting the basic laws of motion of ideal objects as the starting point of research.

    15. For example, statics can be deduced from five statics axioms; Dynamics is based on Newton's law of motion and the law of universal gravitation.

    16. Another characteristic of theoretical mechanics is that mathematical tools are widely used for mathematical deduction, so as to derive various general theorems and conclusions expressed in mathematical form.

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