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The Change and Invariance of Automobile Industry Design from Milan to Beijing

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The Change and Invariance of Automobile Industry Design from Milan to Beijing


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  • 2024-06-15 09:00:01

    In the field of modern industrial design, Milan took the lead. When discussing this city, we always need to go back to the Renaissance. When the top artists, scientists and philosophers of that era gathered in Milan, they broke the boundaries between art and life under the banner of the philosophy of ancient Greek philosophers. With the courage of "breaking the boundaries" and humanism, we will make achievements in the spiritual and cultural heritage of Milan, the city of fashion and design.

    From Milan to Beijing, another city of design has sprung up quietly. This is also based on openness, inclusiveness, boundary breaking and integration. From a historical perspective, human society is in an era of increasingly close ties. In the process of national rise, China has always adhered to the Silk Road spirit of openness, inclusiveness, peaceful cooperation, mutual learning and mutual benefit, and is committed to creating an international environment conducive to the open development of all countries.

    Such a broad and open mind runs through all aspects of China's social development, such as the design field and the automobile industry.

    The development process of China's automobile market is a process of firm opening and meeting challenges. From the joint venture mode, the automobile industry started staggeringly; After China's entry into WTO, the market will be further liberalized and the automobile industry will flourish; Then the coming restrictions on joint venture stock ratio will be lifted, and the automobile market pattern will usher in a new round of changes. Every opening is accompanied by challenges, and behind the challenges, there must be opportunities for the development of independent brands.

    This is especially true for the moment. Under the ice in the cold winter of the car market, a warm current is surging. The development trend of new energy vehicles firmly grasped by Chinese automobile manufacturers is the foundation to meet this round of challenges. On this track, the brand pattern formed in the era of fuel vehicles has been eliminated. The independent brand represented by BAIC BJEV has gradually reached the new four modernizations, and established a leading position in the world new energy vehicle market.

    Leading means responsibility. Milan is located in Europe, which is one of the earliest regions where cars appear. In the history of more than one hundred years of the automobile industry, it has always played a role in exploring the design frontier of the automobile industry. Take Milan car brand Alfa Romeo as an example. It was the first brand to introduce aerodynamic design and adopt aluminum body. In the following 100 years, it followed the pace of technological development and led the design trend. It is famous for ship body, wedge body, square body, and even the age when body lines and surface structures were emphasized.

    China's automobile industry, which started late, missed the rise of several automobile design waves. Although the self owned brand automobile manufacturers are struggling to catch up through the replication of models and the introduction of technology, they can only make limited development in the boundary of fuel vehicles they have created, which is difficult to leave a clear mark in the field of automobile industrial design. The root cause is that our accumulation in the field of fuel vehicles is insufficient.

    The automobile industry is the most dazzling pearl on the crown of modern industry. On the one hand, it is the carrier of the landing of aerospace, military and other cutting-edge technologies, reflecting the country's cutting-edge scientific and technological strength. On the other hand, automobiles integrate all industrial sectors, metallurgy, chemical industry, machinery, petroleum, and even textile, which are closely related to automobiles, demonstrating the overall maturity of the national industrial system.

    The automobile industrial design based on this is the vane for us to observe the rise of automobile power and industrial power. It is the embodiment of the strength of the national automobile industry to participate in the seizing of the discourse power of the automobile industry design trend.

    In the era of new energy vehicles, the center of future vehicle reform has moved eastward. The new energy vehicle strategy we have proposed has influenced the world's definition of future vehicles. Years of hard work and 100 billion yuan of financial support have brought the world's largest new energy vehicle market, the most complete basic design and construction and the deepest technology accumulation, and cultivated a batch of enterprises that lead the development of new energy in the world. In 2018, China's new energy production and sales exceeded 1.25 million vehicles, with an annual growth rate of nearly 60%. In the same year, there were more than 330000 public charging posts nationwide. By July 2019, BAIC BJEV had sold more than 400000 new energy products, with a total mileage of more than 6.7 billion kilometers; Behind these data is the implementation of China's green travel action plan and the responsible embodiment of creating a low-carbon society.

    With hard power and profound oriental culture and cultural heritage, Chinese automobile manufacturers have the ability to lead the trend of automobile design and make a voice on the stage of world automobile industry design.

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