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What is the key below the esc key on the keyboard (the role of ESC key on the keyboard)

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What is the key below the esc key on the keyboard (the role of ESC key on the keyboard)


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  • 2024-06-13 10:00:00

    1. The function of the ESC key on the computer keyboard is as follows: When we enter the full screen mode while watching some web videos or playing games, if we want to exit the full screen mode of watching videos, just press the ESC key to exit the full screen mode.

    2. Press ESC twice in succession to solve the problem that some IEs cannot see the horizontal scroll bar when zooming in. When we load a web page, sometimes it is always unavailable. At this time, you can press Esc to interrupt the loading. When surfing the Internet, it is always necessary to fill in some user names. If you make a mistake, press ESC to clear all the contents in the boxes. When typing, if you make a mistake, press ESC to clear the wrong word selection box.

    3. In Excel, when you enter an error undo in a cell, you can use the Esc key. In PPT, press Esc to exit the full screen. When encountering GIF animation, press ESC key to terminate all animation effects on the current page. In the game, when we enter the full screen mode of the game, many games press the ESC key to return and exit.

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