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Marital emotional counseling (basic details of marital emotional counseling)

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Marital emotional counseling (basic details of marital emotional counseling)


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  • 2024-06-04 18:01:34

    1. Marriage psychological counseling refers to intervention counseling at the psychological level after marital relationship problems occur. Professor Song Jiayu, a famous Chinese marital psychologist, wrote in his book "Pulse Taking Marriage" that marital happiness depends on the mental health of both men and women. Generally speaking, problems in marriage will cause psychological problems. On the contrary, Couples with psychological problems will have marital problems more or less. To solve marital problems, we must synchronize with solving psychological problems, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort.

    2. Marriage psychologists have given a scientific definition of marriage psychological counseling, and also pointed out the direction for solving marriage problems.

    The basic details of marriage emotional counseling in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-04 18:01:34

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