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Shi Jingtang (basic details about Shi Jingtang)

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Shi Jingtang (basic details about Shi Jingtang)


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  • 2024-06-25 22:01:35

    1. Shi Jingtang, the great ancestor of the Later Jin Dynasty, was born in Taiyuan and belonged to the Shatuo nationality. He was the founding emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period.

    2. He was born in the Stone Kingdom of the Western Regions, simple and steady. When he was young, he was simple and steady. He was less inclined to talk and laugh. He liked to read military books, attached importance to Li Mu and Zhou Yafu, and belonged to Li Siyuan, Li Keyong's adopted son.

    3. Zhu Wen, Li Keyong and Li Cunxu participated in the "struggle for hegemony between Liang and Jin" in the later Liang Dynasty.

    4. He made outstanding achievements in the battle.

    5. After Li Congke, the late emperor of the Later Tang Dynasty, ascended the throne, he paid homage to the Hedong Festival envoy, granted the title of the Duke of Zhao, and granted the title of "a meritorious official in helping heaven and setting sail". The monarchs and officials were suspicious of each other.

    6. In the third year of the Qing Dynasty (936), the army revolted and besieged Taiyuan for the soldiers and horses of the Later Tang Dynasty, so they asked Qidan for help, ceded Youyun 16 prefectures, and were willing to be the "son emperor".

    7. Later, with the aid of Khitan, he proclaimed himself emperor and conquered the Later Tang Dynasty, established the capital of Bianliang, and established the Later Jin Dynasty.

    8. In the seventh year of Tianfu (942), he became ill and died of depression. At the age of 51, his temple was named Gao Zu, and his posthumous title was Emperor Wu Mingde, Emperor Xiaoxiao, the saint of the article. He was buried in Xianling (now Yiyang County, Henan Province).

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