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Industrial design (introduction to basic details of industrial design)

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Industrial design (introduction to basic details of industrial design)


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  • 2024-07-01 02:00:00

    1. Industrial modeling design originated from the practice of applying aesthetics to the field of technology. It is a marginal discipline that combines technology and art.

    2. Technology and art are interlinked. Technology is inclined to reason, and art is inclined to sensibility. They are all creative work.

    3. In general, technology mainly pursues functional beauty, while art mainly pursues formal beauty.

    4. Technology changes the material world of human beings, art affects the emotional world of human beings, and material and emotion are two sides of human beings themselves.

    5. In the development of industrial society, the separation of technology and art has led to their respective drawbacks, such as the indifference and dehumanization of technology, and the emotional bias of art.

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