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Is regular and light soy sauce the same? (Is the light soy sauce the same as the regular soy sauce?)

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Is regular and light soy sauce the same? (Is the light soy sauce the same as the regular soy sauce?)


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  • 2024-06-13 01:01:36

    Soy sauce is different from soy sauce. Although both foods belong to soy sauce seasoning, soy sauce is used for seasoning and soy sauce is used for coloring. The taste of soy sauce is different from soy sauce. The taste of soy sauce is very salty, but the taste of soy sauce is not so fragrant. The sugar in soy sauce is very high and much lower.

    1、 Is light soy sauce the same as regular soy sauce

    1. Chromatic aberration

    The color of soy sauce is lighter and the color of soy sauce is darker, which is also related to the concentration. Light soy sauce is poured out and flows freely like water, while soy sauce is thicker and less liquid.

    2. Use difference

    The color of soy sauce is dark, so it has a good coloring effect. It is mostly used for braising, frying meat, bacon and other foods. Lettuce is used for seasoning, such as cold dishes, fried dishes, and some can also be used for curing meat.

    3. Nutritional differences

    The nutrition of light soya sauce and old soya sauce is roughly the same, but the difference in composition is that the health care effect of old soya sauce is better, because the nutrition of old soya sauce is more stable, there will not be much change after a long storage time, but the sugar content is high.

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