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Simple summer watermelon fruit platter (step analysis, quickly learn how to make fruit platter)

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Simple summer watermelon fruit platter (step analysis, quickly learn how to make fruit platter)


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  • 2024-06-13 01:01:36

    In summer, every family will have a watermelon to relieve the heat from time to time. So when you cut watermelon, you might as well make a simple summer watermelon fruit platter. Anyway, it needs to be cut. Isn't it better to improve the happiness of the family if you do it more elaborately? Here is a watermelon fruit platter.

    1、 Simple summer watermelon fruit platter

    Fruit: half a watermelon, one orange, six strawberries.

    Illustration of manufacturing steps

    1. Cut the watermelon in half, and then cut it into thin slices of moderate thickness.

    2. After the watermelon slices are made, they should be crossed and staggered so that each slice is well arranged.

    3. Cut the watermelon in half from the middle and put it on the plate.

    4. Cut an orange into 6 pieces, then separate part of the peel from the pulp, and make two strokes on the peel to make wings, as shown in the figure.

    5. Put the oranges around the plate, then wash the strawberries, remove the stalks and put them between the oranges.

    This simple summer watermelon fruit platter is ready. Does it look simple and need no delicate knife? It only takes 1~3 kinds of fruits to make a fruit platter. For more pictures and practices of fruit platters, please continue to visit our Fruit House!


    2024-06-13 01:01:36

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