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Introduction to the plot of Blooming Bar Lily TV Drama (about the basic details of the plot introduction of Blooming Bar Lily TV Drama)

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Introduction to the plot of Blooming Bar Lily TV Drama (about the basic details of the plot introduction of Blooming Bar Lily TV Drama)


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  • 2024-06-30 16:00:53

    1. Bloom, Lily is an age emotional drama directed by Tian Zhen and starring Yao Qianyu, Zhu Xiaoyu, Li Chengru, Li Fengxu, etc.

    2. The play tells the story of the 1970s, when Lily was jumping the queue in Dongjiazhuang, she was found pregnant and bullied by villains in the village.

    3. Lily, with the help of Dong Dashan and others in the same village, has made the "hundred chickens" created by her father flourish, and loved each other with Dashan.

    4. The play was broadcast on Shanghai TV Drama Channel on August 5, 2018.


    2024-06-30 16:00:53

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