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Radiation 76 The wasteland will not cover the base game story

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Radiation 76 The wasteland will not cover the base game story


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  • 2024-06-15 21:00:00

    Bethesda gave us a proper observation of 76 Wastelanders in Farut last week, and introduced us to the new NPCs in Virginia after the end of the world, including the ghouls of Jay and Jason Mayvis of Silent Bob. Now you can watch the demo clips without comments from developers. Look up.

    During the demonstration, many community questions were answered, but many developers had no chance to comment. Bethesda has now released a Q&A to cover the missed content, as well as the summary of the demonstration.

    One year after everyone left the vault, the wasteland was set up, which is why the wasteland changed a little and new people began to appear. There is a new main task, but the original one has been modified. However, Bethesda confirmed that the new plot will not surpass the old one.

    It said: "We have been trying to integrate the new story of" The Wilderness Man "into the basic game. In addition to new tasks, the new character can also complete all the basic game content. In addition, some of your achievements in the basic game story will play a role in Wastelanders."

    Other players will also be able to join you because of the stories you play, although they will not actively participate in your conversation, they can choose to listen to the chat.

    Although the demonstration gives the impression that this wasteland has become more civilized, it does not mean that the threat of nuclear weapons has not continued. You can still launch nuclear weapons in Vastland, but now people are ready. When raiders and settlers need to protect themselves from radiation, they will wear fashionable dangerous protective clothing.

    Last year, Bethesda mentioned the plan to make a balanced pass for the launch of Wastelanders, but now it has been postponed. It hopes to make all areas of the map "participate in all levels of characters" in the later update, which is also the place to achieve balance. There is no appointment yet.

    Other future plans include introducing multifactor certification and promising more content updates throughout the year. Bethesda also released a new community calendar, below, so you can see what you can get before the release of Wastelanders on April 7.


    2024-06-15 21:00:00

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