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How to pronounce Sui (Sui)

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How to pronounce Sui (Sui)


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  • 2024-06-13 10:00:00

    1. Pinyin is su dang. "Good" refers to "(bird head) sharp". "Eyes" refer to eyes. "Eyes" and "good" combine to mean "sharp eyes". Sui, also a place name, took the place of residence as its surname in Shangqiu, Henan Province today.

    2. Usage: river name. Suishui, also known as Suihe River, is a famous river in ancient China, as recorded in Shuijingzhu. According to Shuijingzhu, Sui River flows eastward through the north of Bocheng, which is the capital of Shang and Tang dynasties. Suishui runs to the south of Suiyang County in the east, and King Wu of Zhou granted Weizi the capital of Song Dynasty after Yin.

    3. Place names.

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