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Jetta vs5 disappoints. Let's take a look at Kemick

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Jetta vs5 disappoints. Let's take a look at Kemick


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  • 2024-06-15 09:00:01

    Before the launch of the Jetta VS5, many consumers showed their expectations. However, when the Jetta VS5 was launched on September 5, many consumers were disappointed. Although it was a domestic car, they bought the Jetta VS5 under the guise of joint venture. It would be better to see the real joint venture model, Skoda Comic.

    The price of Jetta VS5 is 84800 to 112800 yuan, which is very friendly to the people. The price of Skoda's Kemick is not much different from its price. So who is more practical?

    Driving quality, better Kemick texture

    Consumers who buy this level of model should have certain requirements for driving quality. The Jetta VS5 uses a 1.4T engine and a 6AT transmission, with a maximum power of 150 horsepower, while the Kemick uses a 1.5L with a 5-speed manual and a 6AT transmission, with a rated power of 86W. From the data, it seems that the Jetta VS5 is better, but the 6AT transmission of the Jetta VS5 is still the first generation of Aixin AQ250 series, The technology ten years ago is old, but the fuel consumption is also high, and the noise is very loud when driving, so the sound insulation is not particularly good. However, the engine of Comic has adopted a number of industry-leading technologies, which can achieve fuel saving effect to a certain extent, so the fuel consumption is only 6L. In addition, the internal friction of the engine is very small, and the driving is very quiet. The texture is much better than that of the Jetta VS5.

    Configuration comparison: Comic has more configurations

    When purchasing a car, the configuration is also a key concern for consumers. The Jetta VS5 only has tire pressure alarm, manual air conditioning, uphill assistance and other configurations, and is not good at entertainment. The 8-inch central control screen can only be connected to CarPlay. However, Komik is quite sincere in this respect. It not only supports the connection of the three mainstream platforms and smart phones with the vehicle system, but also has the voice assistant of iFLYTEK, which has no problem in recognizing Putonghua. Even the user's inaccurate Putonghua can be recognized, and even can adapt to the user's voice and intonation. In addition, it will also provide many practical functions, such as when the vehicle is limited, where the traffic is blocked, and how the local weather is. In the first three years, it will also provide free 4G traffic.

    Beauty contrast: Comic fashion, Jetta novelty

    In terms of the appearance that young people all value, Jetta VS5 is totally different from the previous public styling. It uses the latest Jetta design language, which seems to be highly recognizable, but the front face design is too complicated and not popular. The side lines are straight with tension, and the Y-shaped light source at the tail is relatively novel, which is fairly good overall.

    Comic is also an old hand in design, similar to the style of his elder brother, Kodiak. It has a sense of refinement, youth and fashion, and reveals a touch of spirituality in sports. The side shape is strong and grand, the air intake grille in the front face is particularly wide, and the unique Czech crystal cutting design makes it young and full of tension.

    Interior comparison: Comic is more realistic

    In terms of interior decoration, the design of the Jetta VS5 looks very beautiful at first sight, but it doesn't feel like the German style in terms of materials or workmanship. After being made in China, the price of the hard plastic is much higher. Fortunately, there are also two color seats that can attract the attention of the public.

    As an authentic German SUV, the interior design texture of Komik is of course the same as that of other German cars. The overall workmanship is better than that of the Jetta VS5, and its functional area distribution is very reasonable. Even the first drive can be easily mastered.

    Space comparison: Comic has more space

    In terms of space practicability, the wheelbase of the two cars is similar, but the space of the trunk is quite different. The trunk volume of the Jetta VS5 is 428L-700L, while that of the Comic is 463L-1510L. It is obvious that the Comic is more practical whether it is for a self driving trip or for loading daily necessities.

    After comparison, it is not difficult to find that the performance of the Jetta vs5 can no longer be compared with that of the Jetta models. In comparison with the Kemick, the Jetta vs5 has no advantage, and the Kemick is also known as "Xiaomi in the SUV industry", whose comprehensive performance in all aspects is quite eye-catching. If consumers consider cost performance, it is more cost-effective to choose Comic.


    2024-06-15 09:00:01

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