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Chenghua Lottery Chicken Bowl Cup (basic details about Chenghua Lottery Chicken Bowl Cup)

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Chenghua Lottery Chicken Bowl Cup (basic details about Chenghua Lottery Chicken Bowl Cup)


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  • 2024-06-10 00:00:00

    1. Chenghua color fighting chicken bowl cup is an art treasure of Han traditional ceramics and belongs to the imperial wine cup of Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty.

    2. It is on the outer wall of a skimming foot bowl with a diameter of about 8 cm. After the outline of the pattern is sketched with blue and white thin lines, the glaze is put into the kiln and fired at a high temperature of about 1300 degrees to form a carcass, and then the reserved blue and white patterns are filled with red, green, yellow and other colors, which are then put into the kiln and baked at a low temperature for the second time.

    3. The outer wall is divided into two groups by Peony Lake Stone and Orchard Lake Stone. One group depicts the cock holding his head high, one hen and one chick pecking a centipede, and two chicks playing with each other.

    4. Another group painted a cock crowing, a hen and three chickens pecking at a centipede. The picture was vivid and full of interest, which was often imitated in later generations.

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