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Macular hole (basic details about macular hole)

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Macular hole (basic details about macular hole)


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  • 2024-06-30 17:01:37

    1. Macular hole refers to the hole formed by the tissue defect from the inner limiting membrane of retina to the photoreceptor cell layer in the macula.

    2. Idiopathic macular holes with unknown causes are the most common. They often occur in healthy women over 50 years of age, and single eye diseases are more common.

    3. As the macula is located in the center of the retina, it is the place with the most acute vision. After the macular hole occurs, there may be blurred vision, central scotoma, and distortion of vision.

    4. Macular holes often arise and disappear, and are often found when another healthy eye is covered.

    5. Patients may have blurred vision, central dark spots and distorted vision.

    6. Most macular holes can be cured by surgery.

    7. When retinal detachment occurs due to macular hole, the vision will further decline or even become blind. At the same time, persistent retinal detachment can reduce the intraocular pressure, which will lead to eyeball atrophy and affect the appearance of patients.


    2024-06-30 17:01:37

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