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What is lard for shortening? (Is it made of lard?)

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What is lard for shortening? (Is it made of lard?)


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  • 2024-06-12 22:01:37

    Shortening is not made of lard, but there are three kinds of shortening on the market. Vegetable shortening is made from different degrees of hydrogenated vegetable oil. Animal shortening and animal and plant mixed shortening contain animal fat, possibly lard, and other animal fats. Shortening has good crispness and is often used to bake food.

    1、 Is the shortening made of pork

    There are three kinds of shortening on the market, one is vegetable shortening, one is animal shortening, and one is mixed animal and plant shortening. Generally speaking, vegetable shortening is not made of lard, but of hydrogenated vegetable oil to varying degrees.

    Animal shortening is composed of animal fat, and animal and vegetable shortening is composed of mixture. These two kinds of shortening may contain lard, but unlike lard, the shortening is mainly used as an auxiliary baking material and rarely eaten directly.

    What is shortening?

    Shortening is called shortening because of its good crispness. Its main function is to make some baked food taste better. However, it is generally not recommended to eat more butter, because it is high in fat, and long-term consumption is not conducive to health.

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