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High temperature stainless steel (basic details about high temperature stainless steel)

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High temperature stainless steel (basic details about high temperature stainless steel)


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  • 2024-06-26 05:01:34

    1. High temperature resistant stainless steel is used for soft magnet oxygen resistant system powder high temperature resistant stainless steel furnace tubes. The maximum diameter can reach 1500mm, the thickness can reach 25mm, and the length is more than 13m. The perennial service temperature is 1080 ℃, without oxidation and deformation. It is resistant to "chloride" corrosion, and the maximum service temperature can reach 1100 ℃.

    2. Its service life is 5 times of that of the traditional centrifugal casting pipe, and its price is 1/3 of that of similar imported products.

    3. 2/3 of domestic products.


    2024-06-26 05:01:34

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