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Is it nutritious for children to eat tea eggs

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Is it nutritious for children to eat tea eggs


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  • 2024-06-13 02:01:37

    Tea eggs are very nutritious, but don't eat too much. Tea eggs are boiled with tea and eggs with some spices. Caffeine in tea has refreshing effect, tannin, fluoride and other ingredients. Eggs are rich in amino acids, protein and trace elements. Eating tea eggs can prevent stroke, prevent cancer, sterilize and diminish inflammation.

    1、 Are tea eggs nutritious

    Tea egg is a kind of nutritious food. Although its color is very dark, especially for foreigners, it looks like a dark dish, but in fact, tea eggs are cooked with tea and some spices. Tea and condiments are both natural ingredients without added ingredients, so tea eggs are not only nutritious, but also a very healthy food.

    1. Tea eggs are refreshing. Tea eggs contain high concentration of theanine, which has a very good refreshing effect.

    2. Tea contains alkaloids, which combine with iron in eggs to form iron sulfide, which is not conducive to human digestion, so you cannot eat more tea eggs. One at a time is enough.

    3. Tea eggs are rich in amino acids, proteins, etc. The human body fully absorbs these nutrients, and the taste is more fresh.

    4. Tannic acid in tea can prevent stroke, and fluoride in tea can also prevent tooth disease, cancer, aging, inflammation and sterilization.

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