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The Game of Cloud Top 11.10 Recommendation of Six Assassins' lineup 11.10 Analysis of six assassins' lineup operation ideas

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The Game of Cloud Top 11.10 Recommendation of Six Assassins' lineup 11.10 Analysis of six assassins' lineup operation ideas


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  • 2024-06-15 21:00:00

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read the article "The Game of Cloud Top 11.10 Six Assassins Team Match Selection 11.10 Six Assassins Team Operation Ideas Analysis". What do you think of the topic of how to analyze the operation ideas of the 11.10 six assassin lineup in the game of Yunding today? You can tell me any comment on the article of "The Game of Cloud Top", "Six Assassins in 11.10", "How to Select the Six Assassins in 11.10", "How to Analyze the Operation of the Six Assassins in 11.10". Each of your suggestions is an affirmation and encouragement to the small editor. The editor will continue to bring you more good content tomorrow. I hope you don't miss it. Thanks for your support!

    Lineup strategy

    Many players want to play the six assassins' lineup in the game of cloud top. How to play the six assassins' lineup in 11.10? Let's take a look at the introduction of the six assassins~

    Chess at Cloud Top 11.10 Introduction to the latest six spike lineup

    Station analysis

    This lineup is essentially an assassin lineup, so according to the regular position of the assassin system, all assassins can sink to the bottom and stand to play a good cutting effect. Put a bear with meat in the front court to resist damage, and it is very aggressive.

    Pre operation

    At the early stage of the lineup, we can consider taking the Devil's Spike to make a transition, and let Ice Girl take Carter's equipment. However, the witch usually works as a part-time worker. The most ideal situation is to get the assassin transferred and give Mogana a stab, so that the lineup can also gather other obstacles. If there is no transfer of assassins, they will lose Mogana in the later stage and go to fill a Kazik with 1 fee card, but the intensity is not so high.

    The lineup starts from 6 people. 6 people have a good probability of searching for 3 free cards, but 6 people don't want D cards. Just save money to attract people.

    Among the 6 people, they choose to pay 3 free cards, and then increase the number of 7 people as soon as possible. There is a stable 30% probability of three fee cards in the seven population. You can search for 2-3 rounds of cards (card interest) in the seven population to supplement the quality of low fee cards. There is also an opportunity to issue three fee cards, and then pull eight people to search for cards as soon as possible. This makes it easier to fill up the quality of the lineup.

    Core components of the lineup:

    At the early stage of the lineup, the demand for goddess tears was very high. Because Carter was very dependent on blue buff, he tried to get goddess tears in the early draft. The second point is to find fists, which can be combined into some critical hit costumes to match the assassin's shackles. The second is the attack speed suit needed by Devil Teng. You can take some dark reverse bows to Devil Teng to further increase the efficiency of Devil Teng's attack and output.

    Later operation

    Later operation

    The upper 8 population began to operate in the later stage. This lineup needs two five fee cards. The first one is the bear, which can recover from the dead. The second one is Foyego, which can gather from six assassins. It is easier to get five fee cards at a 5% probability of eight people than seven people. In addition, the 8 population has a 35% probability of searching for 3 fee cards, which is the highest period of D fee cards. Therefore, it will be easier for the 8 population to search for 3 fee cards to pursue Samsung.

    The output ability of Samsung Magic Suit Carter is very strong. The system of Flying Thunder God Carter aimed at some rangers and big eyes in the later stage can easily make the back row of the opponent collapse. With strong attack efficiency and high output, it is one of the most easy upper systems of the second version of S5 season. Holding the operation is the king's way of the division.

    Replaceability of lineup

    If you have a stab, give it to Morgana. If there is no stab, don't let Morgana trade Kazko for a Fika to get around the shackles of six stabs. In the early stage, I worked with the Devil's Stab. In the middle and later stages, I can consider losing the Ice Lady.

    Core heroes and their costumes

    Carter: The blue buff is just needed equipment. If you want to realize the game of Thunder God Carter, you must give Carter a blue buff. The output device can be used for endless or legal explosions. It can be extremely explosive with the help of assassins. The third one is for Brother Chun to increase Carter's fault tolerance rate.

    Devil Teng: In this system, you can trigger the two fetters of rebirth and assassin. The benefits of these two pieces of equipment can almost offset each other. The third one is mercury or black mercury, which has a very high tolerance rate for magic.

    Bear: In this system, the main purpose is to collect the fetters of resurrection and the dead, and the role is to draw hatred in the front. Therefore, the costumes can be more fleshy. Try to increase the openness and fault tolerance of the bear, so that the bear can fight for the assassin hero longer in the front court.


    Carter's 20 points of blue release skill and blue buff can be said to be a perfect match, which can seamlessly connect unlimited release skills. Therefore, the game of Thunder God Carter is very interesting. Moreover, the transition is smooth and easy to form, and it is very easy to split up at the moment.


    The lineup is very equipped. As it is the system of the flying Thor Carter, the blue buff has become a necessary equipment. If you can't get the blue buff, you will fall into a passive situation. Moreover, the number of assassins could not be supplemented in the middle and late stages, and the operation of 7~8 people was more popular.


    2024-06-15 21:00:00

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