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Macx: Apple released a bug that has fixed "no longer share apps"

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Macx: Apple released a bug that has fixed "no longer share apps"


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  • 2024-06-15 07:00:00

    Now we are using mobile phones more and more frequently, and mobile phones have also provided us with many conveniences. Today's editor also talks about this macx: Apple has released an article about fixing the bug of "no longer sharing apps", which is actually not complicated. Next, let's introduce macx: Apple has released a bug that has fixed the bug of "no longer sharing apps". Let's take a look at it:

    Last Friday, there was a bug in the App Store, which caused the newly updated app to fail to open. A prompt "This app is no longer shared with you" will pop up. This bug has affected many applications, such as FB, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, etc. The solution was to delete the application and reinstall it.

    Last Sunday, Apple re pushed a large number of application updates to solve this problem. Today, Apple confirmed to TechCrunch that the "no longer share" bug has been fixed, but did not provide details.

    I believe that through macx: Apple has released an article that fixes the bug of "no longer sharing apps", which can help you. When sharing with good friends, you are also welcome to discuss with interested partners.

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