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Sulaimani, Iran (basic details on Sulaimani, Iran)

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Sulaimani, Iran (basic details on Sulaimani, Iran)


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  • 2024-06-05 01:01:39

    1. Kasim Sulaimani (March 11, 1957 January 3, 2020), an Iranian military figure and commander of the Holy City Brigade of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, is mainly responsible for reviewing Iran's training and support for all anti Israeli forces, and controlling the delivery of military materials to Syria, integrating military, diplomatic, intelligence and other powers.

    2. He once commanded the anti American war in Iraq and was suspected of sending people to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. His actions have influenced the situation in the Middle East and he is known as the spy king of Iran.

    3. On January 3, 2020, Qasim Sulaimani was killed in an attack by three US missiles near the Baghdad International Airport, the capital of Iraq.

    4. On December 27, Iranian Speaker's Adviser Hussein Amir Abdullahian said that Iran had drawn up a list of 48 Americans who would be subject to legal sanctions for the assassination of Sulaimani.

    5. On January 3, 2021, near the Baghdad International Airport, the capital of Iraq, a large number of people came to commemorate the first anniversary of Sulaimani's death.

    The basic details of Sulaimani in Iran in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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