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Station pile (introduction to basic details of station pile)

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Station pile (introduction to basic details of station pile)


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  • 2024-07-01 00:01:38

    1. Standing on a stake means standing still like a wooden stake, aiming to be stable like a wooden stake, rather than standing still.

    2. It is an important part of the Chinese Wushu system.

    3. It has been valued by martial artists in various martial arts genres in the past dynasties, such as the horse stance pile. In Shaolin martial arts and some southern boxing genres, it is regarded as a basic training.

    4. As the saying goes, "Before you practice boxing, you should stand for three years." Among the core forms of Neijia Boxing, there is a saying that "all skills originate from the three body style", while in some young boxing styles, such as Dacheng Boxing and Lu style structure, standing is pushed to an unprecedented position.


    2024-07-01 00:01:38

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