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Sand mixer (basic details of sand mixer)

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Sand mixer (basic details of sand mixer)


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  • 2024-06-18 01:00:00

    1. The sand mixer is a device that makes all components in the molding sand mix evenly and makes the binder effectively cover the sand surface.

    2. Sand mixer is the main equipment for casting sand processing and molding sand mixing, and also the key equipment for obtaining qualified molding sand.

    3. The sand mixer uses the relative motion of the grinding wheel and the grinding disc to crush the materials placed between them by rolling and grinding. The sand mixer also mixes the materials while crushing them.

    4. It is an ideal equipment for producing unburned brick, lime sand brick, cement brick, refractory brick, pulverized and mixed fly ash, boiler slag, tailing slag and industrial waste slag as raw materials for brick making.

    5. As the key equipment in the casting process, the sand mixer is the key factor to control the quality and cost of molding sand.

    The basic details of the sand mixer in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-18 01:00:00

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