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Stars come to my home (basic details about stars coming to my home)

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Stars come to my home (basic details about stars coming to my home)


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  • 2024-06-30 15:01:35

    1. Star to My Home is a new family life experience reality show, which is broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV at 22:00 every Friday from October 10, 2014. In the program, the female star will become a member of the corresponding farmer's family alone and accept a new family relationship test in the program.

    2. The four guests, Cecilia Cheung, Huang Shengyi, Qiu Huaxuan and Li Jinming, "married" into the farm as "daughter-in-law", stayed under the roof with their mothers in law, and went from strangers to mutual support with their families, recording their real clothing, food, housing and travel through the camera.

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