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Download of WeChat Youth Diary (basic details about downloading of WeChat Youth Diary)

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Download of WeChat Youth Diary (basic details about downloading of WeChat Youth Diary)


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  • 2024-07-01 07:01:35

    1. "When you are sleepy, you can smell the stars." (When you are worried, you can listen to the voices of the stars.) The Chinese translation of "Micro worry Youth Diary" is a cartoon work of Japanese cartoonist Abe Meixing.

    2. In early May 1997, it was published in Winter Water Society magazine "いちラキキラキキ", full 26 volumes.

    3. The theme of "Weiyou Youth Diary" is "home". You can see the persistent and warm attitude of each character towards friends, family and home. The style of painting is fresh and exquisite, and the feelings of ordinary and trivial things flow naturally between the lines, overflowing the heart.

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