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Time Shift Nickname (basic details about time shift nickname)

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Time Shift Nickname (basic details about time shift nickname)


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  • 2024-06-18 00:01:34

    1. Shi Qian is a character in The Outlaws of the Marsh, nicknamed "The Flea on the Drum", a native of Gaotang Prefecture, who was born as a thief. On the way to Liangshan with Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu, he was captured alive by Zhujiazhuang for stealing chickens, leading to three dozen Zhujiazhuang in Liangshan.

    2. He once went to Tokyo to steal Yanling gold ring armour, earned Xu Ning to go to Liangshan, and made great contributions in the battle against Daming Mansion and Zengtou City in Liangshan.

    3. When Liangshan met for righteousness, he ranked 107th, and was called the "bandit star", and served as the leader of the secret marching army.

    4. After the conquest of Fang La, he died of intestinal irritation while stationed in Hangzhou.

    5. Later, he was granted the title of Yi Jielang.

    The basic details of Shiqian nickname in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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