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Can tangerine peel be soaked in water for a long time

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Can tangerine peel be soaked in water for a long time


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Poria cocos is a common Chinese herbal medicine, which is made of dry orange peel. Many people drink it in water. But after all, it is a medicine. If it is drunk for a long time, there is no doubt that it will have an impact on the human body. So, can Poria cocos soak in water for a long time?

    Poria cocos should not be soaked in water every day. Poria cocos belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, and generally has its scope of application. It can also be used to treat diseases, and there will be actual treatment process. It can't be used blindly. Before differentiation of symptoms and signs, if you drink tangerine peel in water for a long time, you may suffer from qi deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, and internal fire easily getting angry.

    Function and efficacy of making tea with dried tangerine peel

    1. Promoting qi and strengthening spleen and stomach

    Poria cocos is fragrant and pungent. It can regulate the bitterness and dryness and enter the gastrointestinal meridian. It has the function of regulating qi, removing distention and resolving dampness. For those who suffer from abdominal distention, food stagnation, vomiting and diarrhea due to stagnation of qi and blood stasis, cold and dampness in the stomach and intestines, it is appropriate to make tea with tangerine peel.

    2. Resolving dampness, relieving cough and resolving phlegm

    Poria cocos is bitter and warm in nature. It can dissipate dampness, stop coughing and dissolve phlegm, and can also expand the chest. It is the primary medicine for treating damp phlegm and cold phlegm. It is also suitable for people with cough and phlegm.

    3. Reduce adverse reactions and stop vomiting

    The Record of Famous Doctors records that Poria cocos "warms the yang and stops vomiting", and the Compendium of Materia Medica records that Poria cocos "cures nausea, vomiting, noise, and spits cold water". Therefore, groups with vomiting, hiccup and other diseases can try to drink water with tangerine peel to alleviate them.

    4. Relieve chest pain

    Tuckahoe can regulate the flow of qi and regulate the circulation of qi, and move the lung through the chest. It can regulate qi, unblock arthralgia, and relieve pain. It can be used to treat chest arthralgia caused by phlegm and qi obstruction, heart congestion, shortness of breath, and other diseases.

    5. Reduce blood fat

    The orange peel tea also has the effect of reducing blood lipids. Because hesperidin in Poria cocos has an inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation in patients with heart infection and arteriosclerosis, and orange gum arabic contains a low molecular structure material, which has the effect of softening blood vessels.

    Poria cocos drinks with what

    1. Poria cocos, Gansong, and Jishi: treat qi stagnation and blood stasis, abdominal distension, and food stagnation.

    2. Poria cocos hawthorn fruit, the king of electric sound: treat food accumulation, qi stagnation, blood stasis, abdominal distention and pain.

    3. Poria cocos and ginseng, scutellaria baicalensis, Coix lachryma jobi: treat spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, stupidity, abdominal distension after eating.

    4. Tuckahoe Ginger Tablets: It can cure stomach cold and vomiting.

    5. Poria cocos Zhuru, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis: for stomach heat and vomiting.

    6. Poria Pinellia Rhizoma and Coix Lachryma Seed: It can cure dampness, phlegm and cough.

    7. Poria cocos processed ginger, asarum, schisandra: for cold phlegm and cough.

    8. Poria aurantium and ginger tablets: to treat chest obstruction, heart congestion and shortness of breath caused by phlegm and qi.


    2024-05-24 17:05:49

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