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How to make dried fish skin delicious

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How to make dried fish skin delicious


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    I firmly believe that many people do not like to eat fish slices in their daily life. Sometimes they feel that fish slices are too fishy, and the taste is not very good. But the kids who live in the Haibin area often subconsciously cut the fish slices to dry, and then use them to mix cold dishes or cook dishes. The special food they make is very delicious, If you want to make fish slices delicious, you must use the right way first.

    How to soak dried fish fillet

    First, put the fish fillet into the pot, add cold water, put it on the stove, boil it for about 45 minutes, and get out the sand. Then put it into 60 degrees of boiling water, cover it, stew for 8 to 10 hours (if the temperature decreases, replace the boiling water), take it off, and clean it with cold water. Press the old and soft bulk bamboo baskets, soak it into the boiling water pot, boil it, move it to the light fire, cover it, and stew for 30 minutes (hard ones can be stewed again) After that, it can be applied after being taken down and dipped in cold water for several times.

    The method of alkali blistering: the proportion of edible alkali in fish fillets added with water is 20:1. It is said that 2000g of 100g dried fish fillets should be soaked. When alkali blisters occur, they should be cleaned repeatedly, The ph value is about 4.5. Clean it up and down. Add 3 grams of white rice vinegar. The comprehensive alkaline flavor swells the rice pot. The water fish slices can be heated for more than 5 seconds. Keep the cold water in mind (add ice cold water to the water). If you want to pour it into the pan, you should pour it into the pan in a small amount. Soak it for 30 minutes every 60 grams.

    What are the nutritional ingredients of fish fillets

    Fish fillet "tastes sweet, salty and flat in nature, and has the function of nourishing and keeping in good health. At the level of dietotherapy," fish fillet "contains rich and colorful protein and various nutrients. Its protein is mainly composed of collagen powder and mucopolysaccharide of biomacromolecules, which is the top grade of health care for women's beauty, beauty and skin care. Medical clinical research has found that leucine, the white blood cell count in" fish fillet ", has cancer prevention effect. Fish fillet contains rich and colorful proteins and various nutrients. Its protein is mainly composed of collagen protein powder and mucopolysaccharide of biomacromolecules. It is a top quality product for women's beauty and skin care. Medical clinical research found that leucine, the white blood cell counter element in "fish fillet", has cancer prevention effect. Fish fillets contain rich and colorful collagen powder.

    How to choose fish fillet

    The identification method for the quality of fillet is mainly to observe the purity, color and thickness of the inner and outer surface of the fillet. It is generally referred to as the sand free side. It has no residual meat, no silk blood, no waste, no rotten holes. The fish fillet is completely transparent, with solid cortex, white color, and no salt taste. If the color is dim and contains salt taste, it is a leftover product, because it is not easy to swell when soaking. If the color turns red, it has become moldy and rotten. It is called oily skin and cannot be taken. The side with sand is generally called the side with sand. It is yellowish brown, turquoise black or pure black, and has bright and moist fillets. The sand on the surface is easy to remove. This kind of skin has the best quality. If the surface of the fillet is speckled, it is difficult to remove pebbles, and the quality is weak.

    What are people who are not suitable for eating fish fillet

    1. It is not suitable for pregnant women to eat. Many pregnant women like to drink fish head soup during pregnancy. It tastes tender and has high nutritional content. They think it will have a very good practical effect on the growth and development of the fetus and baby. However, an investigation found that fish contains a lot of methyl mercury, which has an impact on the development and various work abilities of the fetus and baby.

    2. The elderly are not suitable for eating. Many elderly people have high blood pressure. The doctor advised hypertension patients not to eat seafood. Fish is also a kind of seafood products. Therefore, eating too much fish will cause hypertension. Some patients with high blood pressure will continue to suffer from cerebral hemorrhage if taking too much fish.

    3. People with skin allergies are not suitable for eating. Some people with a very allergic constitution are very prone to skin allergies to some seafood products such as fish, shrimp, kelp silk, which can cause itching, mouth swelling, and red spots all over the body. More serious cases will continue to cause death. It is suggested that people with allergic constitution should not try to eat too much for a while, without regard to the consequences.


    2024-05-24 17:05:49

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