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Hainan Castor Yield per mu

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Hainan Castor Yield per mu


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  • 2023-08-23 05:00:00

    1. The average yield per mu of castor oil is about 400-1000 kg. The yield per mu is mainly affected by climate, environment, planting management technology and other factors. The main production area of castor oil is in the northern region of China, and it is generally planted one season a year. The planting profit of castor bean is mainly obtained from the planting cost, market price and planting yield. According to most growers, the current output of castor bean per mu is generally about 500-800 jin. According to the current market purchase price of 7 yuan per jin, the income per mu is 5600 yuan. Excluding the planting cost of 2700 yuan, the net income per mu is about 1000 yuan, Therefore, the planting prospect is very good.


    2023-08-23 05:00:00

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