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48v light hybrid battery life and replacement price

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48v light hybrid battery life and replacement price


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  • 2024-05-22 15:01:46

    Many users who consider buying models equipped with 48v light hybrid are most worried about the stability of the 48v system. After all, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, 48v light hybrid is a new thing, and many owners do not understand it. Let's take a look at the life and replacement price of 48v hybrid battery. The battery life of 48v light hybrid system can generally exceed 5 years. Since 48v battery is used in 48v light hybrid system, the cost and technology are much higher than 12v battery. Here we list the replacement prices of several 48v batteries: the cost of replacing batteries for mid-range vehicles such as Buick and Cadillac with 48v light hybrid system is about 8000~20000 yuan; Although the battery replacement time is affected by comprehensive factors such as vehicle use habits and environment, most vehicles will decline in 3-5 years. The battery replacement price of Volvo and Mercedes Benz, the high configuration vehicles in the 48v light hybrid system, is about 18000~40000 yuan; Although the comprehensive configuration of these two vehicles is high-end, the failure rate of 48v light hybrid is still high. Most of the motors and batteries of the 48v light hybrid are imported from abroad. Many vehicles of the same model have to wait a long time in the 4S store before they can be replaced and repaired. All aspects of the cost are very high.


    2024-05-22 15:01:46

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